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U4L - A Unit4 ERP log file viewer

U4L is a specialized tool specifically created for efficiently analyzing Unit4 log files. It has been developed with the primary objective of reducing the time required for reviewing these files.

By swiftly parsing the log file, U4L effectively identifies and highlights various potential issues such as Exceptions, SQL errors, Data errors, and even the duration taken for a specific part of a process.

This comprehensive approach ensures that any problematic areas are promptly brought to the viewer's attention, enabling them to quickly address and resolve issues within Unit4. With U4L, the task of reviewing and troubleshooting large log files becomes significantly more streamlined and time-efficient.

Log Library

U4L Features a secure Log Library so you can save your important files for easy access when required later.

While these log files typically do not include sensitive information, we take additional precautions by encrypting them with AES.

This encryption process ensures that even if someone else has access to them, they won't be able to view their contents.

The encryption key used for this process is tied to your license, providing an extra layer of protection. Rest assured that your log files are stored safely and can only be accessed by you.

Measure the time taken for a sub process

U4L will track and measure the time it takes to complete each step within a process.

By doing so, it is able to identify any sub-processes that may be causing delays in the overall performance of the main process.

This can be particularly useful in identifying areas such as slow SQL Queries and File IO tasks that may be impacting the efficiency of the process.

With this information, steps can be taken to optimize and improve the overall performance, leading to a more streamlined and efficient workflow.

The TimeTaken that triggers a report is customizable under the tool's settings.

Parameter recognition

U4L recognizes parameters encapsulated in single quotes

These are color coded so they are easily visible when reviewing a log file.

Report Information Overview

All the report information, at a glance

Once U4L has successfully parsed a log file, the report details will be visible in the Report Information table.

This includes the number of AG16s executed, as well as the number of pages rendered - if there is an output to PDF or WORD. It is useful to know the number of pages that are rendered when investigating a long running invoice proposal process.

Continuous Updates

I am always looking to add more features to the parser

If you discover unhandled or incorrectly handled errors, let me know. I'm on the lookout to expand the parser engine as much as possible, including more specific parsers for specific processes such as the EI02 engine.